Paul E. Lenze Jr.

Membre associé


  • Relations civilo-militaires
  • Enjeux de sécurité
  • Politique étrangère et de sécurité nationale des États-Unis
  • Psychologie politique
  • Politique du Moyen-Orient
  • Politique d'Asie centrale et du Sud
  • Politique européenne


Informations biographiques

Paul E. Lenze Jr. est Teaching Professor & Director, MPA China & MPA Tempe Programs au département de politique et d'affaires internationales à la Northern Arizona University. Il détient un doctorat en science politique de Washington State University, un certificat en psychologie politique de Stanford University, une maîtrise en relations internationales de l'Université de San Diego et un baccalauréat en science politique de l'Université de Washington.



Halit M. E. Tagma, Paul E. Lenze, Jr. (2020). Understanding and Explaining the Iranian Nuclear 'Crisis': Theoretical Approaches. Lexington Books.

Christine Crudo Blackburn, Paul E. Lenze, Jr. (2019. Syrian Forced Migration and Public Health in the European Union. Lexington Books.

Paul E. Lenze, Jr. (2016).  Civil-Military Relations in the Islamic World.  Lexington Books.

Christine Crudo Blackburn and Paul E. Lenze, Jr. Europe Has No Statue of Liberty: The Impact of Forced Migration and Infectious Diseases on the EU, (In Progress—Under Contract with Lexington Books).

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Paul E. Lenze, Jr. and David C. Nice, (2008), “The Democratic Party” in Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Encyclopedia of U.S. Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior.  Sage Publications, Inc.


Christine Crudo Blackburn and Paul E. Lenze, Jr. (2017), “Forced Migration and the Spread of Infectious Disease: The Impact of Syrian Refugee Movements on Disease Prevalence in the European Union,” Scowcroft Paper #10, Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, http : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /165005, November.

Christine C. Fry-Pierce and Paul E. Lenze, Jr., (2011) “Bioterrorism and U.S. Domestic Preparedness: Bureaucratic Fragmentation and American Vulnerability”, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, vol. 8, issue 1, article 39.


Communications universitaires avec processus de sélection

  • “Mitigating the Syrian Refugee Crisis?: Truth, Consequences, and Regional Security,” paper prepared for the American Political Science Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 31, 2017-September 3, 2017.
  • “Forced Migration and the Spread of Infectious Disease: The Impact of Syrian Refugee Movements on Disease Prevalence in the European Union,” with Christine Crudo Blackburn, paper prepared for the Western Political Science Association Conference, April 13-15, 2017, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • “Mitigating the Syrian Refugee Crisis?: Instability in a Time of Crisis,” paper prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Conference, Jan 12-14, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • “ Regional (Dis)order in the Middle East: The Future US Role in Regional Security”, paper prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 7-9, 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • “Death Knell for Democracy?: Civil-Military Relations in 1991 Algeria and 2013 Egypt”, paper prepared for the Western Political Science Association Conference, April 17-19, 2014 in Seattle, Washington.
  • “Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East & South Asia: Leadership Traits in Egyptian & Pakistani Military Officers”, paper prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 11-14, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois.
  • “Pax-Americana in the Middle East?:  US Foreign Policy vis-à-vis the “Arab Spring”, paper prepared for the International Studies Association Convention, April 1-4, 2012 in San Diego, California.
  • “Pax-Americana in the Middle East?:  US Foreign Policy vis-à-vis the “Arab Spring”, paper prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 12-14, 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • “The U.S. National Guard in Crisis?: A Policy Analysis of the Guard’s Role in Homeland Security”, paper prepared for the Western Political Science Association Conference, April 21-23, 2011 in San Antonio, Texas.
  • “Bioterrorism and U.S. Domestic Preparedness: Bureaucratic Fragmentation and American Vulnerability,” with Christine Fry-Pierce, paper prepared for the Northeast Political Science Association Conference, November 11-13, 2010 in Boston, Massachusetts
  • “Skeptical Euro-enthusiast: Sources of Portuguese Reservations for a Constitution for Europe,” paper prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 8-10, 2009 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • “Consolidating Democracy in the Middle East: Pakistani & Turkish Military Uses of Nationalism,” paper prepared for the International Studies Association Convention, March 26-29, 2008 in San Francisco, California.
  • “Realistic Motivations: Organizational Politics in HAMAS & Jama’at-I Islami” prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 9-12, 2008 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • “Realistic Motivations: Organizational Politics in HAMAS & Jama’at-I Islami” prepared for the International Studies Association Convention, February 28-March 3, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.
  • “Democratic Realities: The Case for Democracy in Iraq” prepared for the Northwest Political Science Association Conference, November 4-6, 2004 in Portland, Oregon.

Conférences à titre de conférencier invité

  • “US Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” “From Kiev with Love: Russian & US Hegemony Explained,” and “MAGA 2016: The 2016 US Presidential Election,” at Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China, May 21, 22, & 25, 2018.
  • “Leading from Behind: Obama and Trump in the Middle East,” Middle East: Between Revolution and Insecurity, at University of Quebec-Montreal, April 30, 2018.
  •  “Europe Has No Statue of Liberty: The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the EU,” NAU Summer Seminar Series, June 22, 2017. 
  • “Europe Has No Statue of Liberty: The Impact of Global Climate Refugees,” NAU Green Jacks’ Better World Seminar Series, March 30, 2017. 
  • “(In)stability in the Middle East: US, Russia, and the Syrian Quagmire”, NAU Summer Seminar Series, June 2, 2016. 
  • “America & Iran: The Nuclear Talks Explained”, NAU Summer Seminar Series, June 18, 2015. 
  • “The ISIS Factor and the Terrorism Threat”, a talk given at the Mingus Republican Club in Cottonwood, AZ, February 10, 2015. 
  • “The ISIS Factor: Terrorism in the Middle East”, a talk given at the Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR) in Sedona, AZ, December 18, 2014. 
  • “From Kiev With Love: American and Russian Hegemony Explained”, NAU Summer Seminar Series, Flagstaff, AZ, July 31, 2014. 
  • “Politics in The Wire” for CRJS 391: The Wire & Criminal Justice, Seattle University, Seattle, WA, August 1, 2013. 
  • “Security Challenges for US Foreign Policy: Syria, Iran & Afghanistan”, NAU Summer Seminar Series, Flagstaff, AZ, June 19, 2013. 
  • “The Maghreb in the War on Terror: Mali, Algeria and US Foreign Policy”, American Public University’s Sigma Chi Rho Honors Society, Teleconference, March 6, 2013. 
  • “The Arab Spring: Causes and Consequences”, talk given at Northwest Yeshiva High School, Seattle, Washington, July 25, 2012. 
  • “Is War With Iran Coming?”, talk given at Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR), Sedona, Arizona, March 15, 2012. 
  • “The Arab Spring”, lecture given at Flagstaff Montessori Charter School, Flagstaff, Arizona, on August 18, 2011 and August 31, 2015.
  • “Civil-Military Relations in ‘Islamic Democracies’: The Case of Egypt” for POLITICO: An Undergraduate Research Symposium, Northern Arizona University, February 18, 2011. 
  • “The AfPak Connection”, lecture given in two sections of POL S 377 (Regional Security) at the University of San Diego on November 24, 2009. 
  • “U.S. Foreign Policy: Who, What, When, Where & Why?”, lecture given in POL S 101 (Intro to American Government) at Washington State University on March 5th & 7th & December 8, 2008. 
  • “Is the United States Winning the War on Terror?”, lecture given in POL S 316 (American Public Policy) at Washington State University on April 23, 2007. 
  • “Realistic Motivations: Organizational Politics in HAMAS & Jama’at-I Islami”, for WSU Department of Political Science Graduate Student Research Symposium, February 14, 2007, Pullman, Washington. 
  • “Growing Pains: Changing the Roles of Tutors and Maintaining Quality Control in an Evolving Writing Center Hierarchy”, panel presentation given with Arielle Benson, Pat Johnson, and Nick Pitsilionis at the 2006 Pacific Northwest Writing Center Association Conference, April 29, 2006, Corvallis, Oregon.
  • “Campaigns & Elections”, lecture given in POL S 101 at Washington State University on April 20, 2006.
  • “Democracy in Iraq” lecture given at a meeting of the Washington State University chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha on October 17, 2005.


Présidences de séances / commentaires lors d’ateliers scientifiques et événements publics

  • Chair & Discussant “US in International Relations,” and “Refugee Migration” panel at WPSA in San Francisco, CA, March 2018.
  • Moderator for NAU International Film Series showing of Citizenfour, September 16, 2015.
  • Discussant, “Politics of Violence”, Western Political Science Association Conference, April 17, 2014, Seattle, Washington.
  • Moderator, Arizona Deliberates, Forum on Early Childhood Education, February 26, 2014.
  • Discussant, “International Promotion of Democracy”, Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2013, Chicago, IL.
  • Participant, “Election 2012: What’s at Stake?” on November 6th, 2012 & “Election 2012 Post-Mortem: Now What?” on November 15th, 2012 at Northern Arizona University.
  • Chair/Discussant, panel entitled: “Transnational Collective Action: NGOs and Social Movements”, Co-Discussant, panel entitled “Civil Wars”, and Chair, panel entitled “Intersectionality: Transforming the College Classroom Where Cultural Identities Overlap” at the 2012 Southern Political Science Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, Jan 12-14, 2012.
  • Discussant, panel entitled: “Human Rights and Security” at the 2nd Annual Intellectual Intersections: A Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference at Northern Arizona University, February 4, 2011, Flagstaff, Arizona.
  • Chair & Discussant, panel entitled: “Economic Development” at the 80th Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 8-10, 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Chair, panel entitled: “Multi-methodological Approaches to Nationalism” at the International Studies Association Convention, March 26-29, 2008 in San Francisco, California (Panel I organized for the conference).
  • Chair, panel entitled: “A Cornucopia of Concerns About War” at the 79th Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 9-12, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Discussant, “Democracy and International Conflict” Panel, “State-Building in Comparative Perspective” Panel, “Asian Politics in Comparative Perspective” Panel, 79th Southern Political Science Association Conference, January 9-12, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Discussant, International Relations Panel, 2007 Pacific Northwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Oct 18-20, 2007, Spokane, Washington.
Prix et distinctions
  • SBS Exemplary Performer for 2016-7, NAU College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spring 2018.
  • SBS Research Grant for 2017-8, NAU College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spring 2017.
  • Outstanding Educator Award, award given by the NAU Athletic Department, November 22, 2014.
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, award given by The National Society of Leadership and Success, April 25, 2014.
  • NAU LOUIE Award Nominee, Spring Semester 2013, award given by the Associated Students of NAU (ASNAU) for faculty, staff excellence in assisting students.
  • Advisor Excellence Award given by the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), Washington State University, 2006-7. (Only graduate student awarded this university-wide honor along with 3 professors).
  • Outstanding Political Science Advisor given by the Department of Political Science, Washington State University, 2006-7 & 2007-8.
  • 2008 International Studies Association Travel Grant -- $300
  • Paul Castleberry Graduate Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Washington State University, 2006-7
  • Paul L. Beckett Graduate Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Washington State University, 2005-6:   Research for Dr. Thomas Preston (Washington State University) and Dr. Margaret Hermann (Syracuse University) on the role of expertise in decision-making.
  • President’s Honor Roll, Washington State University, Spring Semester 2004, Fall Semester 2004, Spring Semester 2005, Fall Semester 2005.
  • Member of Pi Sigma Alpha
    • Secretary for WSU chapter 2005-2006
  • Deans List, University of Washington, Spring Quarter 97. Spring Quarter 99, Fall Quarter 99, Spring Quarter 2000.
  • Professeur, Department of Politics & International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, 
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics & International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Fall Semester 2016-Present. (Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Position)
  • Lecturer, Department of Politics & International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, Fall Semester 2011-Spring Semester 2016. (Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Position)
  • Instructor, Department of Politics & International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, Fall Semester 2010-Spring Semester 2011. (Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Position)
  • Adjunct Instructor, Department of Political Science, Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN, Spring Semester 2010-Spring Semester 2011, Spring Semester 2012. (Part-Time Position-Online) 
  • Lecturer, Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, Spring Semester 2009-Spring Semester 2010 (Part-Time Position)
  • Adjunct Instructor, Department of Political Science, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, Fall Semester 2008 (Part-Time Position).
  • Instructor, Department of Political Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Spring Semester 2006-Fall Semester 2008. 
  • Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Political Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Fall Semester 2006-Summer Session 2008.
  • Grader/Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Fall Semester 2006-Spring Semester 2007. Courses: Political Science 102 (Comparative Politics); Political Science 427 (American Foreign Policy)
  • Adjunct Instructor, POLS 285 (Comparative Governments), Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, Idaho, Fall Semester 2005.
  • Instructor, Distance Degree Program, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Fall Semester 2004-Summer Session 2007.Courses Taught: POL S 316 (American Public Policy) Fall 2004 – Spring 2007; GenEd 302 (Advanced Writing Tutorial) Spring 2005 – Summer 2007
  • Instructor, GenEd 302, Washington State University, Summer Semester 2004-Spring Semester 2006.
  • Administrative Tutor, Writing Center, Washington State University, Fall Semester 2005-Spring Semester 2006.
  • Instructor, English 102, Washington State University, Spring Semester 2004-Fall Semester 2005.
  • Tutor, Writing Center, Washington State University, Fall Semester 2003-Summer 2005.
  • Tutor, Washington State University Athletic Department, Spring Semester 2004
Interventions médiatiques


  • Radio Interviewee on “Democratic Perspective” on 780 KAZM Sedona, AZ regarding current Middle East Politics, May 15, 2017.
  • Radio Interviewee about ISIS and Terrorism in the Middle East on “Democratic Perspectives” on KAZM 780, Sedona, Arizona, December 22, 2014.
  • Radio Interviewee, KFYI 550 AM in Phoenix, AZ, regarding the Syrian Civil War.
  • Radio Interviewee about Iran & Middle East Politics on “Democratic Perspective” on KAZM 780, Sedona, Arizona, March 26 & May 28, 2012.


  • TV Interviewee with NAZ-Today in Flagstaff, AZ regarding Brussels Terror Attacks, March 24, 2016.
  • TV Interviewee with 12 News (Phoenix-area NBC Affiliate) regarding ISIS recruitment, December 8, 2015.
  • TV Interviewee with NAZ-Today in Flagstaff, AZ regarding Paris Attacks, November 18, 2015.
  • TV Interviewee with NAZ-Today in Flagstaff, AZ regarding the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack, January 8, 2015.
  • TV Interviewee with NBC-TV in Phoenix, AZ regarding ISIS in the Middle East, September 23, 2014.
  • TV Interviewee with NAZ-TV, Flagstaff AZ, on Vice-Presidential Debate (October 11, 2012) and 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 18, 2012), Crisis in the Ukraine (March 4, 2014).
  • Commentator, NBC 7/39 (local San Diego affiliate) on U.S. Military Strategy in Afghanistan, June 22, 2010.