ANNULÉE: Uncivil Democracy: Race, Poverty & Civil Legal Inequality

Vendredi 27 septembre, 10h
Université du Québec à Montréal, Pavillon A (Hubert-Aquin), Salle A-1715 (1er étage)
In the United States, civil legal institutions protect crucial economic and social rights. Some of the core functions of civil statutes include things like preventing illegal evictions, arbitrating the detainment and deportation of immigrants, securing the rights of public assistance beneficiaries, safeguarding women from domestic violence, and resolving family disputes (e.g. child support, custody). Civil legal protections are especially critical to low- income denizens, people of color, women, and folks at various intersections of those categories. This work investigates the relationships between civil legal institutions and democratic citizenship. Drawing on data from in-depth qualitative interviews, I examine what experiences with civil legal processes mean for political life. I pay particular attention to the ways that civil law functions within a broader political economy marked by profound race, class and gender inequities.
Le Groupe de recherche sur le fonctionnement de la démocratie (Fodem) et la Chaire Raoul-Dandurand vous invite à cette conférence de Jamila Michener. Mme Michener est professeure adjointe à l'université Cornell (État de New-York) et auteure du livre Fragmented Democracy: Medicaid, Federalism and Unequal Politics, paru aux éditions Cambridge University Press.
Cette conférence sera animée par Allison Harrell, professeure au département de science politique de l'UQAM.
L'entrée à la conférence est libre. Merci de noter que cette conférence se déroulera en anglais.