De Facto Sovereignty and Multilateral Sanctions for a Return to Constitutional Order in a Context of Regional Armed Conflict: The Case of Mali

Par Aminata Diaby & Nicolas Klingelschmitt
Nicolas Klingelschmitt co-signe ce chapitre du livre «War, State and Sovereignty», dirigé par Grégory Daho et Yann Richard.
In a globalised and regionalised Africa, governments have transferred part of their sovereignty to international and regional organisations, which have evolved from non-interference to non-indifference in terms of their pan-African values and norms, particularly on peace and security issues. Extensive new prerogatives have been given to multiple regional and international actors to prevent peace and security breaches, including the right to declare sanctions on a member state that threatens to violate their charters and principles. Despite this new African Peace and Security Architecture, we argue through the Malian case that the discourses and sanctions of competent but interlinked organisations such as Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the African Union (AU) can fail to fulfil their goals and can even delegitimise the organisations.
29 juillet 2023En savoir plus