Greg Robinson

Membre externe
- Histoire des États-Unis
- Histoire des minorités aux États-Unis
Greg Robinson, a native New Yorker, is Associate Professor of History at l'Université du Québec À Montréal, a French-language institution in Montreal, Canada, and a board member of that university’s Center for United States Studies. He is also interim president of the Museum-Observatory of Immigration project in Montreal. A specialist in North American Ethnic Studies and U.S. Political History, his current projects center on Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1940s and also on postwar coalitions between Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians and other minorities. Professor Robinson is the author of the academic bestseller By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Harvard University Press, 2001) and of A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America (Columbia University Press, 2009), which won the 2009 History Book prize of the Association for Asian American Studies.
He is also the author of a pair of two new volumes: After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics (University of California Press, 2012) and Pacific Citizens: Larry and Guyo Tajiri and Japanese American Journalism in the World War II Era, (University of Illinois Press, 2012). Professor Robinson was coeditor of the anthology Miné Okubo: Following Her Own Road (University of Washington Press, 2008) and Associate Editor of Gale/Macmillan’s 5-volume Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History and its supplement. He writes a regular column, “The Great Unknown and the Unknown Great,” for the San Francisco Nichi Bei Weekly.
- The Great Unknown: Japanese American Sketches, Boulder, CO, University Press of Colorado, 2016
- Pacific Citizens: Larry and Guyo Tajiri and Japanese American Journalism in the World War II Era, Illinois, University of Illinois Press, 2012
- After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics, California, University of California Press, 2012
- The Japanese Internment Camps, New York , Columbia University Press
- By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese-Americans, Cambridge , Harvard University Press, 2001
Ouvrages co-édités
- Minority Relations: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation (edited with Robert S. CHANG) Oxford, MS, University Press of Mississippi (prévu pour janvier 2017)
- Greg ROBINSON et James Theodore HOLLY, Manuel de théologie dogmatique et autres écrits, Montreal, Éditions CIDIHCA, 2016
- Elena Tajima CREEF and Greg ROBINSON, eds. "Tribute to Miné Okubo," (numéro special) Amerasia Journal 30:2, été 2004
- Greg ROBINSON, Jack SALZMAN and Thaddeus RUSSELL, Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History Supplement I, Vol, I Detroit , Gale, 2000
Articles et Chapitres :
- “The Early History of Mixed-Race Japanese Americans,” in Duncan Ryuken WILLIAMS, ed. Hapa Japan: History (Volume 1), Los Angeles, Kaya Press/ Ito Center Editions, 2017
“Quebec Newspaper Reactions to the 1907 Vancouver Riot: Humanitarianism, Nationalism, and Internationalism,” in B.C. Studies, no.192(winter 2016/2017) pp. 25-49
- “The Paradox of Reparations: Japanese Americans and African Americans at the Crossroads of Alliance and Conflict,” in Greg ROBINSON and Robert S. CHANG, eds. Minority Relations: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation, Oxford, MS, University Press of Mississippi, 2016, pp. 159-187
“Barack Obama: Our First Asian American President?” in Alfred HORNUNG, ed. Obama and Transnational American Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016, pp. 81-94.
“Beneath the Color Line: The Astonishing History of Japanese Americans in Louisiana,” in Raymond MOHL, John VAN SANT, and Chizuru SAEKI, eds. Far East, Down South: Asians in the American South, Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2016, pp. 10-26
“The Early History of Mixed-Race Japanese Americans,” in Duncan Ryuken WILLIAMS, ed. Hapa Japan: Constructing Global Mixed Roots Japanese Identities and Repre-sentations, Los Angeles, USC Ito Center /Kaya Press, 2016.
«La Détention de la Minorité Japonaise en Amérique du Nord Durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale», in Matthew P. FARRELL & Kelly LUI, eds. Japan: Shining a Light on the Land of the Rising Sun: Proceedings and Essays of the 20th Annual Glendon College International Studies Symposium / Le Japon: Éclairant le Pays du Soleil Levant : Actes de Colloque et Dissertations du 20ème Symposium Annuel des Études Internationales du Collège Glendon, Toronto: The Independent Study Committee on Japan, 2016, pp. 3-16
“Asian American Legal History,” in David K. YOO and Eiichiro AZUMA, eds. Oxford Handbook of Asian American History, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 433-453
“Shinkichi Tajiri and the Paradoxes of Japanese American Identity,” In Helen WESTGEEST, ed. Shinkichi Tajiri’s Universal Paradoxes, Leiden, Netherlands, Leiden University Press, 2015, pp. 86-90
“Writing and Imaging the Internment,” in Crystal PARIKH and Daniel KIM, eds. Cambridge Companion to Asian American Literature, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 45-58
“Japanese American Resettlement in Detroit,” in Scott KURASHIGE et al, eds, Exiled in Motown, Detroit, MI, Detroit JACL History Committee, 2015, pp. 292-304
“Exclusion,” in Cathy SCHLUND-VIALS, Linda Trinh VO, and K. Scott WONG, eds. Keywords for Asian American Studies, New York, New York University Press, 2015, pp. 82-87
“Whispers of the Unspeakable: New York and Montreal newspaper Coverage of the Oscar Wilde Trials in 1895,” Journal of Transnational American Studies, 6:2 (Hiver 2015) Version française: «L’expression de l’indicible: Les procès d’Oscar Wilde dans la presse new-yorkaise et montréalaise», La Rue des Beaux-Arts 24 (Jan-Fev 2010)
“Francophone Historians of the United States: A Voice in the Wilderness?” Perspectives on History, Printemps 2015, pp. 37-8.
“The Culture of Transnationalism,” in Marco MARIANO and Ferdinando FASCE, eds. “Transnationalism in American History: An International View”, Rivista di Studi Americani/RSA Journal 25 (2014), pp. 148-153 (paru en 2016)
“In Defense of Birthright Citizenship: The JACL, the NAACP, and Regan v. King,” AABANY Law Review, vol. 3 (2014), pp. 1-44 (with Frank H. WU) (paru en 2016)
Greg ROBINSON et Toni ROBINSON, " Korematsu and Beyond: Japanese Americans and the Origins of Strict Scrutiny," Law and Contemporary Problems , V. 68, No. 3, été 2005
- "Two Other Solitudes? Historical Encounters Between Japanese Canadians and French Canadians" dans Ada SAVIN, ed. Journey Into Otherness: Essays In North American History, Culture, and Literature Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2005
- "Political Science? Le 'M' Project de Franklin Roosevelt," Critique Internationale Vol. 4 (2005)
- "Your Fight is My Fight: Paul Robeson, Asia , and Asian Americans," dans Shannon STEEN and Heinke RAPHAEL-HERNANDEZ, eds, Afro-Asian Cross-Cultural Encounters ,
- "Norman Thomas and the Struggle Against Japanese Internment," Prospects: An Annual of American Culture Studies Vol. 29 (2004)
- "What I Did in Camp: Interpreting the Internment Narratives of Isamu Noguchi, Miné Okubo, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and John Tateishi" et "Miné Okubo: the New York Years" dans Greg ROBINSON and Elena Tajima CREEF, eds. "Tribute to Miné Okubo," Amerasia Journal 30:2, été 2004, pp.49-58, 89-95.
- Yi-Chun Tricia LIN et Greg ROBINSON "Afterword" dans Ayako ISHIGAKI, Restless Wave: My Life in Two Worlds New York , The Feminist Press, 2004, pp.251-283
- Toni ROBINSON et Greg ROBINSON " Mendez v. Westminster : Asian-Latino Coalition Triumphant?" Asian Law Journal , Vol. 10, 2 (mai 2003), pp. 161-183;
- version revisée, "The Limits of Interracial Coalition: Méndez v. Westminster Reconsidered" dans Nicholas DE GENOVA, ed. Racial (Trans)formations: Asians and Latinos Remaking the United States , Durham , NC : Duke University Press,
- Online Historical Articles "Why the Media Should Stop Paying Attention to Michelle Malkin's Book", HNN, 5 septembre 2004 ; republié sur ; ;
Compte-rendus de livres
Review of Delphine HIRASUNA, All That Remains, Toshio MORI, Yokohama, California, and Shizue SEIGEL, Standing Strong! Fillmore & Japantown in Nichi Bei Weekly, 20 juillet 2016
Review of Lorraine K. BANNAI, Enduring Conviction. Fred Korematsu and His Quest for Justice, Heidi KIM and George HOSHIDA, Taken From the Paradise Isle, and Kermit ROOSEVELT, Allegiance in Nichi Bei Weekly, 1er janvier 2016,
Articles d'encyclopédie
- (à venir) 8 articles dans Mixed-race Japanese American website (à paraître)
“Literature after Executive Order 9066” in Mary Pat BRADY, ed.Mid-Century Modern. Farmington Hills, MI, Gale, 2016. The Gale Researcher,
“Internment of Japanese Canadians” in The Canadian Encyclopedia, Toronto, Historica Canada, 2017
- 27 articles dans Brian NIIYA, ed. The Densho Encyclopedia of the Japanese American Incarceration, DENSHO,, 2012- (éditeur associé)
Articles de journaux, éditoriaux et autres écrits professionnels
“Forward Editor’s Notes,” Journal of Transnational American Studies, v.7, n. 1 (2016),
- “Eleanor Roosevelt: Undo the Mistake of Internment,” National Park Service blog,
“Scholar on Japanese Americans Spends Two Weeks at Tokyo’s Waseda University,” JAVA Reporter, Automne 2015, p. 12
“It Was a Glorious Flowering,” Houghton Library blog, 9 septembre 2015,
Newspaper Columnist, “The Great Unknown and the Unknown Great,” Nichi Bei Weekly, Janvier 2010- (5 articles)
“Présentation: Les Années 1960: Perspectives de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur,” Le Manuscrit, (edition special, 2015) vi (avec Stéphane SAVARD)
“Forward Editor’s note,” Journal of Transnational American Studies 6.1 (2015)
- "Japanese Canadians: Race, Religion and Confinement during World War II", CREOR Public Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, 20 avril 2017.
"Mass Removal and Resettlement of Ethnic Japanese in the World War II Era: A North American view,” keynote address, Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference, Helsinki, Finland, May 2016
"Chinese and Japanese American Women in Louisiana,” paper, annual meeting of the Association for Asian American Studies, Miami, FL April 2016
"Japanese American Incarceration,” lecture, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO April 2016
"’Les fils du ciel’: European Travelers’ Views of the Chinese Railroad Workers in California,” paper, Chinese Railroad Workers Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 2016
“Les trois guerres,” workshop, Corporation des Guides Accompagnateurs du Québec, Montreal, March 2016
“L’histoire des mouvements pour la liberté des Noirs Américains,” lecture, Collège Maisonneuve, Montreal, February 2016
"History of Transnational Connections Between Japan and Louisiana,” lecture, USC, Los Angeles, CA, January 2016; Université de Montréal, Montreal, January 2016
“Transnational and Transracial: The Early History of Mixed-Race Japanese Americans,” paper, annual meeting of the American Studies Association, Toronto, ON, October 2015
“Transnationalism,” round table, conference, “New York Intellectual, Global Historian: A Conference in Honor of Tom Bender,” New York University, New York, September 2015
- "Ayako Ishigaki: Issei Feminist Pioneer," conférence, Japanese American National Museum , Los Angeles , avril 2005
- "El Pequeño Tokio Ha Muerto : Mexican-Americans view the Japanese Internment" communication au congrès de l'Association for Asian American Studies, Los Angeles , CA avril 2005
- "The Limits of Interracial Coalitions: Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans in Southern California during the 1940s," conférence, Huntington Library, San Marino , CA, avril 2005
- St. John's University, New York, avril 2005 "Race, Sexuality, and Citizenship: The Historical Context of Same-Sex Marriage," conférence, McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women, Montreal, CA, mars 2005
- Wagner College, NY avril 2005 "JACL and the Origins of Strict Scrutiny," communication au colloque, "Asian Americans and the Law, "
- University of Illinois , février 2005 "By Order of the President", conférence,
- University of Washington , Seattle , janvier 2005 "Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Black Civil Rights," communication au congrès de l'American Historical Association, Seattle , WA , janvier 2005
- "Same-Sex Marriage and International History," communication au congrès de l'American Studies Association, Atlanta , GE, novembre 2004
- "Japanese Americans and Civil Rights in the 1940s," conférence, University of California , Los Angeles , novembre 2004
- " Korematsu 's Legacy," communication au colloque, "Judgments Judged, Wrongs Remembered" Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, novembre 2004
- "Entente Cordiale? Quebec, Japan, and Japanese Canadians," communication au colloque, " Voisins du Pacifique du nord," Section Historique, Département d'Affaires Étrangères, Victoria, CB, octobre 2004
- " Les Japonais de l'Est? L'attitude des Canadiens français envers la minorité japonaise au Québec après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale" communication au congrès de l'IHAF, Chicoutimi, QC, octobre 2004
- "Women's Thoughts': Ayako Ishigaki's Domestic Feminism", communication au congrès de l'Association for Asian American Studies, Boston , MA , avril 2004
- "Peculiar Brothers: Civil Rights and the Black-Nisei Alliance in 1940s America ," conference, California State University , Fuillerton, février 2004
- " Deux autres solitudes? The Historical Encounter of Japanese Canadians and French Canadiens" communication au colloque, « Regards inter-ethniques, » Université de Versailles-St. Quentin en Yvelines, France, novembre 2003
- " Farewell to L'il Tokyo: Wartime Nisei writers and the Ambiguities of Assimilation " communication au congrès de l'American Studies Association, Hartford , CT , octobre 2003
- Jamie Guilbeau and Thelma Guilbeau UL Lafayette Research grant, University of Louisiana Lafayette, 2016-2017
- 2015 Japan Residence, Organization of American Historians-Japanese Association of American Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, June 2015
- Residential Fellowship, Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, May 2015
- Bourse, American Council for Learned Societies, 2004-2005
- Bourse de recherche, Huntington Library, 2003-2004
- By Order of the President nommé Recommended Book For Understanding Civil Liberties, American Association of University Presses, 2002
- University Press Bestseller List, Academia Magazine, mars-avril 2002; Juin-Juillet 2002
Greg Robinson commente souvent l'actualité dans les médias francophones et anglophones. Voici une liste non exhaustive de ses apparitions médiatique.
- Historia-Cable: 18 octobre 2016
- Midi Info, Radio-Canada Première, 22 septembre 2016
- Gravel le matin, Radio-Canada Première, 8 juillet 2016
- Midi Info, Radio-Canada Première, 7 juillet 2016
- Écoutez l'Estrie, Radio-Canada Première - Estrie, 28 juin 2016
- Plus on est de fou plus on lit, Radio-Canada Première, 28 octobre 2015
- CBC/Radio-Canada Télé: 10 août 2015
Comme expert cité
- Agnès Gruda. "Le bateau ivre", LaPresse+, 19 février 2017.
- Annalisa Merelli. "Today marks the 75th anniversary of one of the most brutal executive orders in US history", Quartz Media, 19 février 2017
- Edward Yoshida. "Author Greg Robinson: Dishing Out Nikkei-related Historical Figures in One Irresistible, Bonbon-sized Serving after Another - Part 2", Discover Nikkei, 18 février 2017.
- John W. Barry. "Repeating history? FDR, Japanese internment and Trump", Poughkeepsie Journal, 16 février 2017.
- J.K. Yamamoto, "Film focuses on little-known WWII camps", Rafu Shimpo, 8 janvier 2017.
- "How the Navy secretary's baseless claim helped lead to the WWII internment of Japanese Americans", Stars and Stripes, 12 décembre 2016.
- Christelle Guibert. "États-Unis. Ces bavures policières à répétition qui enflent la colère", Journal Ouest-France, 22 septembre 2016.
- "États-Unis. La communauté afro-américaine en émoi", Le Devoir