Canada-US-China : Geo-Economics and Power Politics

Par Frédérick Gagnon, Rozlyn C. Engel, Louis Vachon et Jonathan Manthorpe
Le Balado de la Chaire
Far from being a familiar concept, geo-economics is of great importance, especially in an attempt to navigate the complexity and density of the relationship between the United States, Canada and China.
As Donald Trump prepares to leave the White House, The Raoul-Dandurand Chair hosted a webinar to addresses key geoeconomics issues that mustn’t be overleaped in U.S.-Canada-China relations, with three distinguished guests : Jonathan Manthorpe, International Correspondent and Columnist, Ipolitics; Louis Vachon, President and CEO, National Bank of Canada; Rozlyn C. Engel, Professor, United States Naval Academy, researcher, Geoeconomics and Strategy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Through subjects such as the tensions surrounding the extradition of Meng Wanzhou from Huawei, the Chinese tariffs on Canadian pork and canola, and the "trade wars" of recent years, the guests of this webinar demystify in a thorough discussion the growing space occupied by the logic of military conflict in the vocabulary and implementation of states' economic and trade policies, as well as possible avenues for Canada. An event moderated by Frédérick Gagnon, holder of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair.
Cette table ronde est également disponible en vidéo sur notre chaine YouTube
10 décembre 2020